Are you Pregnant?

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Remember, I am not a Doctor, just a Philosopher. Anything on this page should be taken seriously, but you can't hold me reponsible because it is your decision to follow my advice. Anything I've put here is as I interpret what I have read.


Here's a list of foods that you should and you shouldn't eat, as well as some mixing guides to get a healthy and wise baby.  Remember you are what you eat!
First when they say Eat your veggies, they're not kidding!  What they don't say is not to eat your fruits.  All your veggies promote healthy brain activity or increase muscle size and strength-Except Celery.  If you are pregnant, don't even think about celery.  It will cause strokes in baby.
Now your fruits are another story.  Most of them cause a disease of some kind.   Grapes are the only fruit that you need when you are having a baby.  Some fruits have no bad effects but this list of everything will tell you what each fruit, veggie, vitamins, and minerals do. 
Plums--Don't touch they cause MS or MD.
Peaches, Nectarines, and Apricots--They cause Breast Cancer.
Cherrys--They cause Colon Cancer.  You can have them but make sure you get some rhutabaga first.
Pears and Turnups--lead to hearing problems or deafness.  Mix well so that you can hear when you are 300 years old.
Olives--lead to brain problems or Brain Cancer.
Tobacco--Patience, but if you smoke eat that Apple everydady.
Phosphoric Acid--Found in most soda's causes ALL, that's Leukemia when you are age 5-15.  If you just can't live without your Coke, I know I can't, If you are like me and just can't put the coke down or must eat that muffin in the morning, burn a candle at night, but I don't know how much or how often and it will cause bone cancer....which is the opposite of leukemia so they cancel out.  I'd recommend that you don't drink the Coke until "they" figure out how much to cancel it out, but if you are like me, don't mix the two and see if you get lucky, but since its still in your system the mix, get some alfredo sauce and some tea.  that should cancel and recover the mix troubles.
Raspberries--cause Vericose Veins, and they cancel hardening of the arteries caused from mixing smoke, salt, and garlic on the same plate.
Black Berries--I don't know what they do, but you don't want them.
Blue Berries--They shorten your life span don't touch.
Palm Seed oil and Bananas--Palm seed oil will lead to Retinitas or Detached Retinanas.  Blindness and other eye problems are from many sources.  The potassium in bananas can cause blindness or decreased vision as you age.  For evry serving of Palm, m Seed oil have a banana, so you can throw away your glasses and canes as you age.  I don't know if Palm Kernal Oil and Palm Seed Oil are the same.  Modern science can fix this with Technology or eye transplants.  Actually its the potassium in the bananas that hardens the retina.  So if you are wearing glasses when you get old, thats why.
Honey and a clover (they look like green hearts with yellow heartt flowers--I call them sour weed)--They go hand in hand but really why? I wouldn't waste my time with either of these.  But honey is in alot of things, makes it hard to pass up.
Poppy seeds and Honey Dew Melon--These go hand in hand as well.  Poppy seeds make your eye balls smaller and honey dew melon makes your eye balls bigger. If you go too small or too big, you will have vision problems or even go blind.  Modern science can fix these problems through eye transplants.
Corn Syrup and Figs--Cause lazy eyes and wandering eyes. Both are fixable with eye transplants.  When you get the right mix, you increase vision.  You want to lean more toward the corn syrup side of this.  Corn syrup is in everything so keep an eye out for this so you know when you need some figs.  If you mix the two together you'll have another eye problem, so avoid products like fig newtons that use a corn syrup as a sweetner.  usually you can find in the organic isle some brand that uses a fruit paste to sweeten.  This eye problem can be fixed prenatal, but the exact mixes aren't a science yet.
Beta-Carotene and Thiaman--Causes a problem with the Pituitary Gland and a problem with the Thyroid Gland.  These two Thiaman and Beta-Carotene go hand in hand affecting the Endocrine System.  When mixed well on seperate days or separate meals  they can actually strengthen the system.  For now though till further studies are done, a little of one one day and a little of the other the next, by the pros affecting only one child, Stay Away from these.  Together they cause skitsophrenia.  Don't touch Campbell's, Chef Boy R Dee, or Western Family.  Progressive, and some Fred Meyer generics are good though.
Cinnamon and Ginger--One side causes Fibroid Tumors, the other causes malignant tumors and cramping.  Get the right mix and your daughters will be having kids when they are 100 after grandma dies.
Almonds and Peacans--one side will put your boys in the grave and the other side will leave them without orgasm.  Get the right mix and he will be having kids at a hundred after grandpa dies. 
Riboflavin and Dioxybase--Causes problems with the Carpals, including carpal tunnel syndrome.  When well mixed can increase hand dexterity and hand strength.
Pantothenic Acid and Pyrodoxine--Causes problems with the Tarpals-that's your feet, the most used muscles in the body.  Like all the orange ones when mixed well can increase the strength of the feet and reduce foot problems for ever.
I'm gonna try to get those water companies to fix their mix so that you can call it a cereal water.  Cereals, breads, flours...all have riboflavin and pantothenic acid in them, and thiamin.  I'm gonna try to get those water compaies--you know vitamin water, sobe, life remove pantothenic acid, add beta carotene and put a label on their bottle--Pregnant never drink without consultimg your doctor.  do not consume in a three hour period before and after cereals, and breads.  whether they change or not, the label is coming.  imagine the marketing scheme though when they do.
Ascorbic acid and Sorbic acid--Effects the metabolism.  I think that Ascorbic acid allows you to eat more and the other you don't need to eat as much.  Who wants dessert?
Citric Acid--comes from oranges and causes senility.
Folic Acid--Comes from grapes and makes you wise in your old age.  Mixing these two, Citric Acid and Folic Acid, causes crazy old people.
Erythorbic Acid and Kerosene--Causes a problem with your abilty to heal including the inability to use common less expensive drugs like Pennicilin.  I'd lite the barbeque at least once even if you don't drink Mountain Dew.
Monosodium Glutamate and Sodium Benzoate--Causes a problem with urinary tract and including kidney stones, bladder infections, and urinary tract infections. I've got another one here as well, but I'm gonna leave that to your obgyn to offer the fix to you.  Keep track of how much you mix these.  The mix causes a prostate problem.
Aerosol--Causes a cone head.  Not sure if it does anything else but your not a gerber baby.
Milk--you got to have it.  No other way to stop lactose intolerance.
Shellfish and bloody beef--allergies to shellfish or bunyons.  Get it right and you have long healthy toes.  Maybe you're even a poet.
Apple--if you don't smoke, it will cause allergies.  If you smoke it will keep you from getting asthma.
Strawberries--This is where midget syndrome comes from.  Eating stawberries with muscle building foods.  Corn, beef, pork, carrots, get the picture.  Who wants to be short anyway...but can be oh so much fun!
Sunflower seeds--If you want to be taller eat them up.  Make sure you you spit the shells or you will be crazy, a little hot headed, snap in an instant.  I can tell the differance between a shell and not just by seeing your head.
Carrots--build the thighs.  How big do you want them?  When mixed with potatoes or rice the muscle will bunch up at the butt.  When mixed with Peas the muscle will be pulled down toward the calve. When mixed with beans, you will carry your fat in your thighs.  They cause knee problems when mixed with Peanuts.
Peas--build the Calves.  How big do you want them?  When mixed with carrots the muscle is pulled up to the top of the calve.  By them self the calve looks like all the peas in the pod.
Peanuts--Make sure you get plenty of peas first.  Peanuts shrink the calve muscle, and they add a golden tone to your skin, which where all those beach bods get their tans.  If you shrink the muscle too much it can lead to MS or MD.  Never mix with peanuts.  Causes that disease where the calves swell up, sometimes three to four times the muscle size and hurts so bad.
Potatoes--builds the muscle of the butt.  Mix well with Beans, rice, cabbage, pork, and beef to get the best size and shape.
Rice--builds the hips.  Mix well with Beans, potatoes, cabbage, pork, and beef to get the best size and shape.
Licorice--I know it's rice but I think it's potatoes too, careful you can cause a wheel chair with too much licorice.  Actually it shrinks the butt overall.  Need to add some more rice?  more potatoes? or need some licorice and then later some more potatoes...ultrasound can help you shape that butt up just right.  Never mix with rice.  oh and baby cries a little when pelvis shrinks.  DO NOT EVEN TOUCH LICORICE CANDY WRAPPERS WHILE EATING RICE.
Squash--Shrinks the size of the waist.  Doesn't mix well with corn.  Mix well like rice for best appearance and strength.
Cucumbers--Mixes only with potatoes.  Any other use will cause lower back problems including a wheel chair.
Cabbage--You gotta have cabbage.  I think the woman would want about 3-4 pure cabbage egg rolls a week.  The guys may want more but really you get what you get.  Large enough to serve, yet small enough for the personal attention you crave.  Have one with your rice, one with your potatoes, and one with your carrots.  If you have another eat it with either squash or beans.
Pork--builds the muscle of the front torso.  Doesn't mix well with beef as it causes a hump back.  Corn pulls it up to the shoulders, potatoes and rice pull it down to the waist.  Mix well for maximum strength. 
Beef--Builds the muscle of the back torso.  Mix in the same fashion as pork for maximum strength and appearance.
Eggs--ladies how big do you really want them?  I think two to three eggs three times a week is perfect.  Mix well though and don't eat them too fast.  Pork and eggs one day, beef and eggs another, and just eggs the third time.  If you eat too fast and you will have firm strecth marked boobs, and too slow you will have flabby boobs.  Doesn't mix well with corn.  And grab daddies balls once in a while.  I'm mean never drop the ball.  Eat egg yolks.
Chicken and Turkey--Don't mix them.  Chicken makes you beautiful and Turkey makes you ugly.  Together they give you black freckles they call beauty marks, and separate they make you beautiful longer.
Caulaflower--Ladies, what is the ideal size for nipples?  The frequency affects the heigth and the amount affects the width.
Popcorn--builds the muscles of the forearm.  Eat it really fast for amazing stength with little mass.
Corn--Develops the arms and shoulders.  Mix well with Pork and Beef to maximize strength.
Bell Peppers-- affect your ability to feel the euphoria of Cocaine.  (But really who wants cocaine?  Especially women, it stays in your ovaries for ever) as well as widening the lower jaw and lower craniaum.  Since it doesn't really affect anything but appearance, I'll give it a green.
Mango's and Peppermint--I said not to touch it but when you mix peppermint with the fat of Mangos you get dimples and healthy faces and necks.
Watermelon and Hot Peppers--Affects the top of the head.  Hot peppers largen the width of the head and Watermelon shrinks it.  Mix well and you look great.  Some hot peppers have a brain effect as well.  I'm not sure if it's cayenne or jalepenos that makes you bolder.
Garlic and Salt--Mix well to have a healthy heart till you are 300 years old.
Garlic and Salt--Mix well but never together.  Together it causes cholesterol problems.  But it is unavoidable.
Wood, charcoal, cigarette smoke--Causes problems with thinning of the blood.  Since eating garlic and salt on the same plate is unavoidable.  Hang out by the fire for a while after the lighter fluid is gone.
Wheat--Thins the skin.  You gotta have about two slices of bread a day for perfect skin  Never mix with real maple syrup.
Hops--causes Pancreatic cancer.  That's in all beers.  Are you late and still drinking?  Get some rabbit once you decided to stop drinking.
Chocolate and liver--are you worried about your child being allergic cause you just couldn't stay away from chocolate?  No worries.  Eat some liver on a different day.  Yes it has to be a different day otherwise you have a rare skin disease that is terrible.  Is Liverworst Liver?   Hmm?
If you want a power house with lots of bulk, pig out and eat lots.  Eat more of the foods you want the power from and eat them really fast to pack them in.  Example:  Suppose you want large bones and you normally drink two glasses of milk with meals.  Drink between meals three times a day two glasses of milk. This will maximize the strength by packing it in and it will provide more bone building material to make them stronger.
If you want a power house with little bulk, pig out with the foods you want the power from.  Eat the same amount as you would normally, but eat it really fast and separate your foods every hour as you don't want them to mix where you don't want them.  Example:  Suppose you normally drink a glass of milk with a meal twice a day and you want average size bones.  Drink a glass and a half of milk twice a day between meals instead and slam it.  It will increase the strength of the bones without increaseing the size of the bones.
I think that pretty well covers the body, now lets get into the brain.  I want Genius every time.

Jack in the Box

Mix any of these with any of the others for a well mixed child.  Warnings are as posted.  Autism comes from eating too many of any veggie (except lettuce) too often.
Artichokes--Are you an artist?
Avocado--How you mix these can help determine who your god is.  But mostly they make you greedy.  Used car sales men and TV evangilist are products of these.  As well as the uzzi shooting gangbangers.
Asparagus--it's love! there is a problem with too much love....but make sure you get some. 
Beets--Are you musically inclined?
Brussel sprouts--how smart are you really?
Onion--Your creativity, imagination.  "There is nothing more important than your imagination." -- Albert Einstein.  If you are eating half an onion a day you are eating too much.
Mushroom--How fast are you?  Eating too many mushrooms too often causes CP.  Mix them in for flavor for lighting fast reflexes.  Check with your doctor if they've determined if you want a plate of them one time or not.  I think that might be the way, but I could be wrong.
Spinach--Will power for those tough times.
Romaine Lettuce--Laughter during everyday life.
Iceberg Lettuce--You, are a funny drunk, aren't you.
Tomatoes--How bad do you really need it?  You know it.  I know your getting it cause your reading this page.  Never mix with cayenne pepper or is it Jalepenosand especially not with FLAX.  Mix well with asparagus, and pistachios to prevent those little ones from having little ones.  Also that will prevent homosexuality as a way of life, if you eat too many.  How free and/or homophobic do you want them to be.  Not at all, well, that says it all.
Radishes--You will do the work that you need to do.  A couple at time so you don't develop a form of autism.
Turnups--I thought it was better ears but it has a point so its got to be a brain food.  Must music.
Tuna--Stress, What stress?  But don't overdo it cause then you will be like "Oh well".
Coffee--Slow down a little.  Have a cup a week or binge at Starbucks once in a while.  Too much though and you will be a space case. 
Sesame Seeds--You are the boss!
Bananas--You are really dumb.  I'm giving it a green cause you really don't matter, especially if you eat more brussel sprouts.
Oregano--Makes you less creative.  Green light cause you are probably gonna eat too much onion any way.
Collard Greens--You really Jealous of me?  Mix well or not at all.  Never mix with tomatoes or those peppers.
Cat--What are the rules?  I guess I have to follow them.  I think Chinese restaurants should be allowed to sell them.  I don't want to seel "filet of stray cat" though on the menu.
Walnuts--you are so stubborn.  Mix well, or, not at all.
Dog--I'm the rat.  You hurt someone I'm gonna tell on ya.  Again Chinese food, what do you call it.  I don't mind snitches as long as they don't live to snitch.
Pistachios--I believe in god.  The question on how you mix them is, who or what, is your god. 
Macadamia nuts--Give you the gift of gab, especially with the other sex.  but it could be the anti gab to make you clam up whenever you want to talk....not sure anymore.
Fillberts--I think you should mix these with lettuce and onions.  I could be wrong though and you really want to mix them with the brussel sprouts.  So for now, I gonna stop you.
Oatmeal--Never eat alone.  Well maybe once in a while is good.  Mixes well with all the others though, especially lettuces and onions.  Makes you a little wild, spontanius, or just plain crazy.
Barley--you are a genious already.  Now you have to put on the finishing touch.  You just have to have a little of this.  But only if you eat your brussel sprouts and onions.


I found this mostly in Lamentations in the Bible but the cataracts came from other parts of the Bible.
When I say mix well, I don't mean combine the two, but rather separate them, diiferent days preferrably but never without three to four hours in between.
Mint and Spearmint--Mix well for healthy lungs. Can cause Enphysema or cancer if not mixed well.
Duck and Fruity Pebbles--If you are gonna have one or the other make sure you have both.  Well mixed can actually increase the life of the liver.  You go Girl!  Is it fruity pebbles or is it carpet munching?  Oh it's a flower...God, can I watch?  can i say that here ladies.
Peanut M&M's--Causes gall bladder problems if you don't let it melt in your mouth first.  Otherwise, it will put a shine on your face.  Come on mom, what's it called?  I know it's on the tip of your tongue...Spit it out.  you know it's not really peanut m&m's don't you.  slowly now....spit.
Peppermint and Mango-Mix well for Dimples and to avoid Face cancers, tonsil, and adnoid problems.  But as with all opposites never at the same time
Lemons and i'll ave the other half later i gotta go back to my source and get a dozen more coded special fixes--Mix well for healthy teeth.  Lemons give you whiter teeth that rot by the time you are thirty and ??? gives you yellow teeth.  Lean more toward yellow teeth, they don't look as pretty but they will never rot.
Wheat mixed with Real Maple Syrup--Causes skin Cancer.
Real Maple Syrup and Cane sugar--Causes Glaucoma when mixed on the same plate.  Well mixed they will eliminate diabetes caused from the other.
Menthol and Frog leggs--Leukemia and Bone Spurs.  Mix well and you will have healthy bones.
Snakes and Sushi--Snakes give you stone cold eyes, and sushi gives you cataracts.  Mix well to prevent cataracts and make sure that you eat some lettuce with your snakes.  I think that will soften up your eyes a little.  Mix together and you have Japanese eye glasses.  The fix potassium and palm oil...Twizzlers anyone?
I'm not sure which one you got here, is Chocolate mixed with cheese, or is nitrates mixed with cheese.  One of these combos is the other skin cancer.
Now that you have perfect children, as far as their brains and bodies are concerned, The other part of raising perfection is their environment.  I wanted to give you some suggestions on how to raise your kids.  First I'm gonna say never say never, so when I say never use your own judgement on when never is really a must.  Healthy childrenat play are from healthy households.  It doesn't matter how much money you have, whether they are wearing levi's, gap, or rustler, but rather how you treat them.  Give them a hug everytime time you first meet them and leave them.  Never be overbearing.  Know when as they grow to start to let them go.  If they complain cause you gave them a kiss dropping them off for school, no more kisses in public.  If they complain cause you are giving them hugs and kisses when friends are over, cross friends off the list and just say hi.  If they complain when no one isaround, you know you have a problem.  Always be honest with, so that when you have these problems they will be honest with you.  Never put them off, without a good reason, when they want to talk, you may find them going to some one else, or worse when they don't have anyone, closing the door and figureing it out for themselves.  I'm not saying that figuring things out for thenselves is bad, but you always need to be available.  Try to have them solve their own problems by asking them questions leading them to their answer.  Those aren't yes no questions usually.  Never tell them "that you are too young" or "that you don't need to know that" or "I'll tell you when you get older".  A couple of things can happen here.  They might try to find out from someone else, they might close the door on you, or if these response happen to often, they may develop a complex and get angry and do things that make them look older.  I said always be honest, and I mean always, but rather than telling them something you don't want to know, you should beat around the bush, change the subject, or be vague in your answer.  If they persist then you might try one of the don't's, but usually they will forget as you talk and t won't be of much imporance a second time.  Never, never, never use violence.  If they ask something make sure that they end the conversation, and that they don't go away mad.  When they end the conversation, their question is answered even when you haven't told them a thing.  Having trouble getting your little ones to eat their veggies?  More for me.  Four or five times of yum, will have them begging for some.
I could write all night on how to solve your problems and how to raise perfection, but I'd rather show some of you, in raising a future world leader, to solve all your problems.  For now though this site should get you headed in the right direction.
Remeber if you don't want kids, don't have time for kids, or don't have the love or patience for kids, there are options available to you.  You can give them away, you can not have sex, or you can get an abortion.  Not wanting them means they have to raise themselves, and trial and error with no teacher, studies, or class is like a final exam that you can't possibly be prepared for.  You make the choice now, or someone else will make the choice later.  Easy as one, two, three.
I could talk for hours if needed but I'm out of time and I... want to go home.
"Life without love is something an innocent child shouldn't be put through..."--Jeffrey Gaines.
god did I just give advice...was anybody listening...scarey isn't it...too bad they won't give me one, i already own the book.
I'm a philospher not a preacher, but these verses in Proverbs should be all you need to know to raise your children right.
1:8-11, 2:2, 9-11, 3:11-14, 4:3-6, 5:11-14, 6:16-19, 7:2-5, 8:33-36, 9:6-9, 11:14-17, 12:13-20, 13:10-13, 16-19, 14:6-9, 15:16-19, 16:10-13, 17:12-15, 18:18-21, 19:4-7, 20:16-23, 21:10-13, 22:21-29, 23:19-22, 24:17-20, 25:21-24, 27:10-13.
"If you live to be 70, You'll be thought of as being cursed, if you live to 100 you'll be thought of as a young man."  Somewhere in the bible.  Hope you found the right food.  1000 years sound right.  what do you think.  I think I can make it possible but, I got to get some people on board first.

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